Have you ever heard that quote? I heard it from my classmate's speech and that time, it caught my attention and realized “Yeah! That’s true!
Before, my idea of loving someone is like sports cars racing in the same road. You need to be fast as to be in the 1st place, you need good wheels and engine so you will move softly and smoothly, you need lots of fuels so you will not be stucked in the race track, and most important thing that you need to remember and should always be in your mind is that “you are competing with one another so give your finest performance and do more than the best that you can do”.
I know that majority of us had been in a relationship. A relationship that made us happy like everyday was a gift, a relationship that made us miserable when we caught the one we loved lies on us and still not admitting their mistake, a relationship that hurt us when destiny separates you with each other, and a relationship that made us strong and gave us courage to pursue achieving our dream because we want to show and prove to them that they’re not our lost.
Despite of experiences that we encountered, here we are, still looking for someone to love. Someone that will make us happy, without thinking of she/he might hurt us all over again. We still want that love even though lots of obstacles are blocking our way. We are still wishing for special someone, a right one that will fit our attitude with one another.
Love is not about how many girlfriend/boyfriend we had, it’s not about how long our relationship had been, or either the number of exchanged kisses. It’s about "trust". The trust that we provide with each other, the trust that will make our relationship strong, and the trust that will serve as the foundation supporting our relationship to grow. Love means never doubting anything. It means trusting and being honest with each other and once again falling in love was never been a competition and will never be.